The story is found in Manchester, Chetham’s Library MS Chetham 8009, dating to the fifteenth century. But it must also be acknowledged that Torrent of Portyngale reasonates equally as strongly with the story of Sir Isumbras and the legend of Saint Eustace, particularly as Torrent’s two children, like those of Eustace and Sir Isumbras, are taken by animals before beginning new lives. In the Welsh Arthurian tale How Culhwch won Olwen, the giant Ysbaddaden sends Culhwch off on a series of impossible tasks in order to win his daughter’s hand in marriage. Like Sir Eglamour, he is sent off on a number of impossible quests to kill giants and dragons by the jealous father of the maiden he loves, in order to win her hand in marriage. Like King Arthur and Sir Eglamour of Artois, Torrent of Portugal is a giant-killer.