Reviewed by Hermit C-2 10 / 10 Branagh triumphant. In an incredibly convoluted plot, the most complicated and most interesting in all literature, he manages to (impossible to put this in exact order) feign (or perhaps not to feign) madness, murder the "Prime Minister", love and then unlove an innocent who he drives to madness, plot and then unplot against the uncle, direct a play within a play, successfully conspire against the lives of two well-meaning friends, and finally take his revenge on the uncle, but only at the cost of almost every life on-stage, including his own and his mother's.-John Brosseau In a supernatural episode, he discovers that his uncle, who he hates anyway, murdered his father. His superb film acting work also includes a wide range of roles such as in Знаменитість (1998), Дикий, дикий Вест (1999), Дорога на Ельдорадо (2000), Операція Валькірія (2008) and his stunning portrayal of Laurence Olivier in 7 днів і ночей з Мерилін (2011), where once again he offered a great performance that was also nominated for an Academy Award.Hamlet (Sir Kenneth Branagh), son of the King of Denmark (Brian Blessed), is summoned home for his father's funeral and his mother Gertrude's (Julie Christie's) wedding to his uncle Claudius (Sir Derek Jacobi). In 1996, Branagh wrote, directed and starred in a lavish adaptation of Гамлет (1996).

At 30, he published his autobiography and, at 34, he directed and starred as "Victor Frankenstein" in the big-budget adaptation of Mary Shelley's novel, Франкенштейн (1994), with Robert De Niro as the monster himself. In 1993, he brought Shakespeare to mainstream audiences again with his hit adaptation of Багато галасу з нічого (1993), which featured an all-star cast that included, among others, Denzel Washington, Michael Keaton and Keanu Reeves. The film brought him Best Actor and Best Director Oscar nominations. At 29, he directed Генріх V (1989), where he also co-starred with his then-wife, Emma Thompson. He soon found the RSC too large and impersonal and formed his own, the Renaissance Theatre Company, which now counts Prince Charles as one of its royal patrons. At 23, Branagh joined the Royal Shakespeare Company, where he took on starring roles in "Henry V" and "Romeo and Juliet". When he was nine, his family escaped The Troubles by moving to Reading, Berkshire, England. (born 1955) and Joyce Branagh (born 1970). He has two siblings, William Branagh, Jr. Kenneth Charles Branagh was born on December 10, 1960, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to parents William Branagh, a plumber and carpenter, and Frances (Harper), both born in 1930.